Fun With CATS

Fun With CATS is a collaboration between the Social Committee and the Director of Communications. During the Covid break it was published occasionally until CATS was able to resume playing tennis as a way of keeping in touch with each other and remembering how much fun we have on and off the court. Issues looked at photos of past events, shared news about members or information about tennis instruction—anything we can think of that’s fun and relevant to CATS! Issues generally have a main article followed by news tidbits. Issues are below.

FWC #1 An array of online tennis instruction at a bargain price (offer now over).

FWC #2 Denied traveling to exotic places, Peggy Harrison discovers photo opportunities close to home.

FWC #3 Revisit — or attend for the first time — CATS’ 50th Birthday party last year.

FWC #4 See the progression of Karen Hirsch’s online Image of the Day art project through the early days of the shutdown.

FWC#5 Becky Corrigan explains how she and her students adapted to remote learning.

FWC #6 A look at the amazing life of CATS’ oldest playing member, Dave Herd.

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