Board of Directors

CATS is administered by a Board of Directors made up of officers, the league and division coordinators, service and committee directors, and the past president. The division coordinators and the directors are appointed, and officers are elected by CATS members every two years. Elections are held during the summer of odd-numbered years, so the next election will take place in August 2025.

The current officers are:

President: William Himmelmann
Vice-President: Justin Todd
Treasurer: Carolyn Popp
Secretary: Joyce Weber

The coordinators are:

League: Jo Ellen Reed
Flight 1: Bob Henze
Flight 2: John Fitzgerald
Flight 3: Meg Givhan

The directors are:

Membership Chairman: Justin Todd
Social Committee Chair: Vacant
Director of Communications: Meg Givhan
Board Members at Large: Michael Fox
Past President: Christine Frank
Historian: John Wagner

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